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computing Instagram's 

companion species 

A digital humanities project 

by Karli Brittz

About Insta-dog

Screenshot 2019-09-04 at

Insta-dog investigates dogstagrams and the Dogs of Instagram using a mix of computational, quantitative and theoretical methods, as well as automatic image recognition software.

It assembles a close and distant reading of dogstagrams examined over three years and includes a dataset of 6000 images of dogs posted on Instagram.


On this site we present:

  • findings, visualisations and theoretical explanations about the different types of dogstagrams regularly posted on Instagram

  • imageplots assembling dogstagrams to reveal patterns

  • an interactive platform to discover and connect with the community and network of the Dogs of Instagram

  • a close-up view of any dogstagram in our dataset allows you to compare and examine dogstagrams on your own terms and trigger further curiosities

  • theoretical discussions of dogstagrams and the history of the dog in visual culture, the importance of the human-dog relation and documentation on digital humanities methods

Sit. Stay. Click. Explore.

Screenshot 2019-09-04 at

Explore various visualisations of dogstagrams. See imageplots of different types of dogstagrams or explore the dataset on your own using API-generated tags.


Learn about this project, the philosophies behind it and the history of the dog and human connection.

Community Grids
Community Grids

Discover the Dogs of Instagram community with network visualisations, maps and grids of dogstagrams.

The Contact Zone: Play

Screenshot 2019-09-04 at
Screenshot 2019-09-04 at

Author, Affiliations and Disclaimers 

Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

Project creator and theory analysis.


PhD candidate in digital culture and media. Insta-dog forms part of my thesis concerning a critical reading of companion species on social media. 

Project creator and theory analysis.


PhD candidate in digital culture and media. Insta-dog forms part of my thesis concerning a critical reading of companion species on social media. 

Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

Project creator and theory analysis.


PhD candidate in digital culture and media. Insta-dog forms part of my thesis concerning a critical reading of companion species on social media. 


Karli Brittz

Karli Brittz

Karli Brittz

Project creator and theory analysis.


PhD candidate in digital culture and media. Insta-dog forms part of my thesis concerning a critical reading of companion species on social media. 


Fudge & Cody

Research dogs 


Karli's loving companions in life and research. Fudge and Cody have inspired the study, are often found on Instagram and perhaps unknowingly participate in much of the research presented here.


univ. of pta

Institution and affiliation


Insta-dog forms part of postgraduate research conducted at the University of Pretoria, South Africa under the awe-inspiring supervision of Prof Amanda du Preez.

plagiarism and privacy

The images collected from the social media platform Instagram presented here is content voluntarily disclosed by Instagram users according to Instagram's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Content has been made available to the public, set as public accounts in individual user's own privacy settings. Once user content is made public, that content may be re-shared by others and is searchable by users and subject to use under Instagram's API. No income is generated from this project or the data obtained from user's Instagram posts. All images refer back to the original user's content and do not claim the image as our own.


The theoretical discussions and findings presented here are my (Karli Brittz) own, unless indicated otherwise. If re-used the project should be referenced as follows: Brittz, K. 2019. Insta-dog. Available at


Insta-dog is my (Karli Brittz) own work and all sources that I have used are indicated and acknowledged on the site.


©2019 by Karli Brittz Proudly created with

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